Katrina Langstroth

Katrina Langstroth (b. 2003) is a Toronto-based oil painter. They are currently studying at OCAD University for their Bachelor of Fine Arts in the Drawing and Painting program. They are drawn to figuration and use it to explore nostalgia, intimacy and the mundane. Katrina has recently shown their work in the Awenda Inspired group exhibition at OCAD University and the Winter show at Gallery 1313. In the upcoming months, they will be participating in the auction hosted at OCAD University in collaboration with the Inspirations Art Studio.

"In my practice, creation revolves around figuration as a means to explore intimacy, nostalgia, and how light interacts with its surroundings. My work is, first and foremost, an exploration. My works are voyeuristic; I am painting touch, intimacy, interaction, and the seemingly mundane. These topics are all explored in my work through the medium of oil paint. It provides both an immediacy and a malleability that lend themselves to the concept of time in art. My process involves collecting images. These images were either found or taken myself, and they are woven into my creative process. Through this process, I seek to communicate sensory experience and perception. How perception and cognition can differ from person to person, and what I will notice that others may not. I imbue my work with aspects of myself. The rot, the growth, the feeling, and the transformation are all parts of the body that I represent in my work. I want to understand how light and time will affect these bodies and their representation."

Curriculum Vitae

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